Student Rights – Grievance Procedures

Any student who feels that their rights have been violated may file a grievance following the procedure below. In the case of a grievance alleging discrimination based on race, color, religion, national or ethnic origin, age, sex, sexual orientation, marital status, disability, gender identify or expression, genetic information and veteran status, as defined under applicable law, the student may also report the conduct to the College’s Affirmative Action/Equity Officer and/or Title IX Coordinator. In the case of a grievance alleging discrimination, the college may also initiate an investigation and take appropriate steps including, but not limited to, referring the matter to the appropriate College Official for disciplinary action.

  1. Prior to filing a grievance, the student is encouraged to meet with the individual who has allegedly violated his or her rights, e.g., instructor, staff member, or student, to resolve the issue informally.
  2. If the issue cannot be resolved by pursuing the process in Step 1, or the individual elects not to resolve the matter informally as prescribed in Step 1, a formal grievance in writing must be submitted to:
    • The Vice President of Academic & Student Affairs for grievances related to the instructional process (see college catalog or student handbook for separate process for Grade Change/Grade Appeal), or for grievances not related to the instructional process.

      The grievance must be submitted within two (2) weeks of the date the grievance knew or reasonably should have known, of the alleged violation. The grievance shall specify the right claimed to have been violated and state briefly the underlying facts.

  3. The Vice President of Academic & Student Affairs, or designee, will meet with the individual alleged to have violated the student’s rights. The VPASA, or designee, may attempt to resolve the issue informally at this stage. If resolution is not possible and the VPASA or designee determines that the grievance alleges facts which if true constitute a violation of the student’s rights and has been timely filed, the matter will be forwarded to the Judicial Advisor who convene the Judicial Committee within two (2) weeks of the receipt of the formal grievance. If the VPASA or designee determines that the grievance does not state a violation of the student’s rights or is untimely, the VPASA will provide a written explanation to the student and the matter will be considered resolved at that point.