Financial Aid - Satisfactory Progress Regulations

Students are expected to make Satisfactory Academic Progress toward the achievement of their educational goals in order to receive financial aid. Standards for this progress are both qualitative and quantitative, and are reflected in a student’s cumulative grade point average (cGPA) and in his/her “incremental” progress in terms of completing a minimum amount of work at stated intervals.

Qualitative Standard

Cumulative GPA Component - A student must maintain a minimum cumulative grade point average as noted below to be considered as making Satisfactory Academic Progress.

Total Credits
Earned Towards

Associate Degree
or Certificate
Program Minimum
GPA Required
0-13 1.5
14-27 1.7
28-40 1.8
40+ 2.0


Quantitative Standard

A student must successfully complete more than two-thirds (66.66%) of the total credits he/she attempts throughout his/her academic career at the College. All attempted credits resulting in either an academic grade or administrative transcript notation will be included in the quantitative calculation. A student may receive student federal aid for any attempted credits towards his or her program of study as long as those credits do not exceed 150% of the published length of the student’s program of study. For example, a student enrolled in an eligible 24 credit certificate program can receive financial aid for up to 36 credits attempted. Likewise, a student enrolled in a program of study that required 64 credits to earn the degree can receive student federal aid for a maximum of 96 credits attempted.

Warning Semester

The qualitative and quantitative components of the Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) policy will be reviewed at the end of each semester within the regular academic year of the student’s program of study. Students who meet SAP standards will be coded as making satisfactory academic progress and will retain eligibility for Student Federal Aid for the following semester.

Students who do not meet SAP standards will be placed on SAP probation for one semester. Students placed on SAP probation will retain their eligibility for Student Federal Aid for that upcoming semester. At the end of the probationary period, SAP standards will be reviewed. If the student meets SAP standards, he/she will once again be coded as making satisfactory academic progress and will retain eligibility for Student Federal Aid (SFA) for the next semester. If the student is still unable to meet SAP standards, he/she will no longer be eligible to receive SFA at the institution until such time that he/she is able to meet the standards of SAP.