Respiratory Therapy

Degrees and Certificates


RSPT151R: Fundamentals of Respiratory Care I

Class Program
Credits 10 Lab Hours 4 Lecture Hours 8

Introduction to basic science, theories, and technologies in respiratory care. Instruction emphasizes the esoteric knowledge required to perform respiratory care. This course includes the fundamentals of respiratory care such as patient assessment, medical terminology, physical respiratory principles/physiology, medical gases delivery systems and therapies, humidity and aerosol therapies/diagnostics, airway clearance, and lung expansion, pulmonary function testing, chest physiotherapy, arterial blood gas, oxygen transport, and chest x-ray. The basic components will be incorporated into the discussions regard an extensive investigation in cardiopulmonary anatomy and physiology.

Prerequisite Courses

RSPT152R: Fundamentals of Respiratory Care II

Class Program
Credits 10 Lab Hours 4 Lecture Hours 8

This course presents further instruction in the basic science, theories and technologies in respiratory care profession. Units of instruction will include, arterial blood gases puncture and analysis, sleep medicine and, airway management, pharmacology, cardiopulmonary diseases, and introduction to mechanical ventilation.

Prerequisite Courses

RSPT191R: Respiratory Practicum I

Class Program
Credits 3

During this practicum, clinical, bedside, and laboratory application of respiratory care is presented, utilizing the facilities of affiliated clinical sites under the supervision of hospital Respiratory Care Practioners. Clinical affiliations are designed to expose students to an environment in which they can develop their skills by providing direct patient care.
Other/Practicum Hours: 9 (144 total clock hours)

Prerequisite Courses

RSPT253R: Fundamentals of Respiratory Care III

Class Program
Credits 8 Lab Hours 4 Lecture Hours 6

This course will prepare students to work in critical care and obtain knowledge of Pulmonary Rehabilitation programs. This course covers material on how mechanical ventilators work, physiology of ventilator support, initiating and adjusting invasive and non-invasive ventilation, hemodynamic monitoring of the patient in the ICU, and weaning and discontinuing ventilator support from the patient. In addition, students will receive instruction on Bronchoscopies, nutrition, and pulmonary rehabilitation programs. Instruction and certification in Advance Cardiac Life Support will be obtained.

Prerequisite Courses

RSPT254R: Fundamentals of Respiratory Care IV

Class Program
Credits 5 Lab Hours 3 Lecture Hours 4

This course provides students with a fundamental background in the principles and concepts of neonatal and pediatric respiratory therapy. Specific topics that will be discussed include growth and development of the fetus, the perinatal period changes that occur at birth, respiratory and cardiovascular abnormalities, neonatal and pediatric diseases, pharmacology, and the respiratory therapy equipment used to treat such conditions. Students will obtain Pediatric Advanced Life Support (PALS) certification and Neonatal Resuscitation Program (NRP) certification. In addition, the student will be instructed on S.T.A.B.L.E. Program concepts. 

The second session of this course will be an overview of Respiratory Care in Alternative Settings and Ethics, and End of Life.  

The third session of this course will focus on an intensive preparation for the student to transition to obtain licensure by successfully passing the NRBC CRT and RRT boards. The Kettering review program will be utilized for student success. In addition, interviewing and resume skills will be presented.

Prerequisite Courses

RSPT281R: Respiratory Practicum II

Class Program
Credits 4

During this practicum, clinical, bedside, and laboratory application of respiratory care is presented, utilizing the facilities of affiliated clinical sites under the supervision of hospital Respiratory Care Practitioners. Clinical affiliations are designed to expose students to an environment in which they can develop their skills by providing direct patient care.
Other/Practicum Hours: 12 (180 total clock hours)

Prerequisite Courses

RSPT282R: Respiratory Practicum III

Class Program
Credits 5

During this practicum, clinical, bedside, and laboratory application of respiratory care is presented, utilizing the facilities of affiliated clinical sites under the supervision of hospital Respiratory Care Practitioners. Clinical affiliations are designed to expose students to an environment in which they can develop their skills by providing direct patient care.
Other/Practicum Hours: 15 (225 total clock hours)

Prerequisite Courses