Healthcare Applications Certificate: Pre-Dental Hygiene

Degree Type

This certificate is designed to prepare students to apply to the Dental Hygiene Program at NHTI.

Students in this program must achieve a "C" or higher in all courses to graduate.

Total Credits
Course Sequencing

For the open elective courses, students should work with their advisor to choose one of the following:

Notes: The AS in Dental Hygiene at NHTI does not require College Comp or Med Term to satisfy degree requirements for graduation; however, those courses are required to complete the healthcare applications certificate. For the Mathematics Elective, MATH 120C (Quantitative Reasoning) or higher is required; student will need to check with NHTI Admissions to determine which RVCC math course to take.

Item #
3 - 4
3 - 4
Sub-Total Credits

Notes: Both Intro to Psychology and Intro to Sociology are required for the Dental Hygiene Program at NHTI. The AS in Dental Hygiene at NHTI does not require Legal & Ethical Issues in Healthcare to satisfy degree requirements for graduation.
Recommended Elective Courses:
• BIOL 205R Microbiology
• ENGL 120C/ ENGL 120MC Communication or Communication: Mindful
• CHEM 125C Intro to General, Organic, and Biochemistry
• SOSC 101R Intro to Sociology

Item #
3 - 4
3 - 4
3 - 4
Sub-Total Credits