Medical Laboratory Technician

Degrees and Certificates


MLTC111R: Urinalysis & Body Fluids

Credits 2 Lab Hours 2 Lecture Hours 1
This course introduces the study of the physical, chemical and microscopic tests performed as part of a routine urinalysis. A review of the structure and function of the urinary system is followed by the concepts of urine analysis relating to the identification of normal states and metabolic and genetic disorders. Laboratory analysis of body fluids are introduced including cerebral spinal fluid, serous, synovial, and amniotic fluids, as well as fecal and semen analysis. For all areas presented, clinical aspects of related diseases are incorporated into lecture and laboratory sessions.
Prerequisite Courses

MLTC112R: Immunology

Credits 2 Lab Hours 3 Lecture Hours 1
An introduction to basic serologic concepts, this course will cover immunity and associated laboratory applications. Discussions will include non-specific and specific immunity, antigen/antibody structure, function, classification and serologic reactions, biological immunologic responses and disease states representing classical immunologic concepts.
Prerequisite Courses

BIOL 103R or BIOL 201R

MLTC113R: Clinical Chemistry

Credits 4 Lab Hours 3 Lecture Hours 3
The investigation into the human physiology of enzymes, carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, electrolytes and hormones are an important function in a clinical laboratory in regards to the diagnosis and monitoring of disease states. Clinical Chemistry reviews the function of these chemicals and introduces clinical chemistry tests and instrumentation used for their identification and quantitation. Conditions and disease states associated with abnormal findings of these elements are also discussed in limited detail. Laboratory sessions support information provided in lecture as well as emphasizing the importance of accuracy and precision in testing.
Prerequisite Courses
Corequisite Courses

MLTC201R: Hematology

Credits 4 Lab Hours 3 Lecture Hours 3
Hematology is the study of blood and its components. This course is an overview of blood cell production, identification, function and changes seen in disease states. Included in this course is a hemostasis component that evaluates the human bodies mechanism to control bleeding and the factors involved. Diseases and conditions associated with abnormal blood pictures and coagulation disorders are also presented. This course will also introduce the morphology and significance of cells found in various body fluids as they relate to pathogenic states. Lectures and laboratories incorporate discussions and practices of common hematologic procedures.
Prerequisite Courses

MLTC202R: Blood Banking

Credits 4 Lab Hours 3 Lecture Hours 3

Blood Banking, also known as Immunohematology, is an in-depth study of the collection and storage of blood components, identification of blood group antigens and antibodies, identification of hemolytic disease of the newborn, compatibility testing, component therapy, transfusion reaction investigation, quality control, and problem solving. Tests used to accomplish the above tasks are discussed in lecture and practiced in laboratory sessions of this course.

Prerequisite Courses

MLTC204R: Pathogenic Microbiology

Credits 4 Lab Hours 3 Lecture Hours 3
A pathogen is an organism or substance capable of producing disease. This course discusses the characteristics of common pathogenic microorganisms with emphasis placed on bacteria. Pathogenic parasites and fungal elements will be introduced. Methods of isolation from clinical specimens, recognition of pathogens, microscopic morphology, anti-microbial susceptibility testing, and standard reporting practices in a clinical laboratory will be presented. Laboratory sessions will support lecture materials as they focus on safety measures in the microbiology laboratory and the importance of high quality technical skills.
Prerequisite Courses

MLTC220R: Senior Seminar

Credits 1 Lecture Hours 1

This capstone seminar will present the students with opportunities to explore and discuss their program experiences while integrating the theoretical concepts with their clinical experiences. This course will include guest speakers from laboratory related fields, development and evaluation of case studies, practice of mock certification examinations, interprofessional educational activities, resume preparation, and information on job searches and the employment interview process. This course is geared to transition the student from the educational setting to the workforce.


Must have completed all MLT courses except MLTC290R

Corequisite Courses

MLTC290R: Clinical Practicum

Credits 12

This practicum course will provide clinical experience in the laboratory sections of Hematology, Urinalysis, Clinical Chemistry, Blood Banking and Microbiology. This allows students to apply the knowledge and skills obtained in the didactic component of the curriculum to experiences in a clinical laboratory. The clinical environment will also provide the opportunity to practice skills of a phlebotomist while under the supervision of qualified personnel in an accredited clinical laboratory. The student must demonstrate minimum competency in each area as determined by the established objectives to successfully pass this course. Affiliation packets are used in each department to assess acquired laboratory competencies. Clinical practice takes place in an approved facility under the direction and supervision of laboratory educators employed by the facility. RVCC faculty provide support and oversight throughout the practicum as necessary. Students will perform routine analytical procedures, continue to develop their laboratory skills and apply knowledge gained during classroom learning.

Other/Practicum Hours: 36 (540 total clock hours)

Fieldwork is 37.5 - 40 hours/week for 14 weeks


Must have completed all other MLT courses except MLTC220R

Corequisite Courses