Pregnancy and Parenting Accommodations

River Valley Community College is committed to creating and maintaining a community where all individuals enjoy freedom from discrimination, including discrimination on the basis of sex, as mandated by Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972. Sex discrimination, which can include discrimination based on pregnancy, marital status, or parental status, is prohibited and illegal in admissions, educational programs, and activities. The following are the procedures for ensuring the protection and equal treatment of pregnant persons, individuals with pregnancy-related conditions, and new parents. 


“Medical necessity” is a determination made by a health care provider of a student’s choosing. 

“Pregnancy and pregnancy-related conditions” include, but are not limited to pregnancy, childbirth, false pregnancy, termination of pregnancy, conditions arising in connection with pregnancy, and recovery from any of these conditions. 

“Pregnancy discrimination” includes treating a student affected by pregnancy or a pregnancy related condition less favorably than similar individuals not so affected, and includes a failure to provide legally mandated leave or accommodations. 

“Pregnant student/Birth parent” refers to the student who is or was pregnant. Although the pronoun “she” and “her” are used herein, this procedure and its pregnancy-related protections apply to all pregnant persons regardless of gender identity or expression. 

“Reasonable accommodations” for the purposes of this policy are changes in the academic environment or typical operations that enable a pregnant student or student with a pregnancy related condition to continue to pursue her studies and enjoy equal benefits of the College. 

Non-discrimination and reasonable accommodation of students affected by pregnancy, childbirth, or related conditions: 

RVCC and its faculty, staff, and other employees shall not require a student to limit her didactic studies due to pregnancy or pregnancy-related conditions. The benefits and services provided to students affected by pregnancy shall be no less than those provided to students with temporary medical conditions. Students with pregnancy-related disabilities, like any other student with a disability, are entitled to reasonable accommodation so they will not be disadvantaged in their didactic courses of study or research, and may seek assistance from the Accessibility Coordinator. Students attending a work-based learning experience may be subject to additional program policies regarding pregnancy and should consult their program handbook and speak with their Program Director. Where the Accessibility Coordinator requires students to identify their disabilities and request accommodations by a fixed date in the term, deadline exceptions may be granted in the case of disabilities arising as a result of pregnancy or pregnancy-related conditions. 

Reasonable accommodations may include, but are not limited to: 

Accommodations requested by the pregnant student to protect the health and safety of the student and/or her pregnancy (such as allowing the student to maintain a safe distance from hazardous substances) 

Modifications to the physical environment (such as accessible seating or mobility support) 

Extending deadlines and/or allowing the student to make up tests or assignments missed for pregnancy-related absences 

Providing remote learning options 

Excusing medically-necessary absences 

Granting leave