Early Childhood Education Level I Certificate

Degree Type

A career working with young children offers the opportunity to influence young lives as they grow and develop. Students are prepared to be competent early childhood professionals who can provide a nurturing environment with a strong understanding of the ways in which young children grow and learn. Students learn to provide care and education that is developmentally appropriate. The Early Childhood Education Program focuses on young children, birth through age 8 years, and their families.

The Early Childhood Education Program combines theory and practical experience. The curriculum uses standards for professional preparation as outlined by the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC). (Additional information about these standards is available at www.naeyc.org, NAEYC’s web site. Programmatic learning objectives are available on the Early Childhood Education program pages on the College’s web site and in the program’s student handbook.) Graduates are prepared for immediate entry into the field. Alumni of the program are employed in a variety of settings, including, but not limited to, the following: child care centers, Head Start programs, laboratory schools, parent cooperatives, and after-school programs.

In addition, graduates of the program are prepared for continued study beyond the associate degree. More information on transfer options and articulation agreements is available through the Program Director.

The applicant for the Early Childhood Education Program should meet the general requirements for admission to the College. In addition, the applicant should possess strong interpersonal communication skills. 

The Early Childhood Education Level I and Level II Certificates may be combined with other programs at the College for a dual degree option.

Practicum I and Practicum II placements are arranged by the Program Director. Students are required to have professional liability insurance during these placements. In addition, most practicum sites will require a state registry and criminal records check and written records of physical examination. Students are responsible for providing the practicum site with appropriate documentation and for all associated fees. Students are also responsible for completing any required orientation meetings and activities prior to the beginning of their practicum hours. Students must provide their own transportation to and from the practicum site.

Please see the full Criminal Background Check Policy in the Admissions section of this catalog and the Student Handbook.

Applicants seeking admission to the Early Childhood Education Program who believe they may have difficulty with a state registry and criminal records check are advised to contact the New Hampshire Bureau of Child Care Licensing (1-800-852-3345) prior to matriculation. 

Total Credits
Course Sequencing

* ECE 104R has a co/prerequisite. See course description for requirements. 

Item #
Sub-Total Credits